USAS SafeSport Information
The U.S. Center for SafeSport is an independent 501c(3) non-profit organization focused on ending all forms of abuse in sport. As the National Governing Body for the sport of swimming in the US, USA Swimming is committed to SafeSport values and to promoting a healthy and positive environment free of abuse for all of its members. In turn, the top priority of Eugene City Swim club continues to be promoting a positive team culture and safety for our athletes, parent/guardians, coaches, and volunteers.
To deal with a Safe Sport concern, contact USA Swimming at (719) 866-4578.
Contact the U.S. Center for Safe Sport to make a report. Call (720) 524-5640 or use the online reporting form or find more information at http://www.uscenterforsafesprot.org/
Questions about SafeSport can also be directed to our SafeSport club Coordinator, Jules DeGiulio, at 541-510-2937. Below are additional links to ECSC and USA Swimming SafeSport Policies and information.
ECSC Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy
ECSC & SafeSport Best Practice Guidelines
ECSC Anti-Bullying Policy
ECSC Swimmer Code of Conduct
ECSC Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct
ECSC Coach Code of Conduct
ECSC Team Travel Policy
ECSC Chaperone Policy
ECSC Photography Policy & Consent Form
Permission forms:
ECSC Written permission for a licensed massage therapist or other certified professional or health care provider to treat a minor athlete – 2020
ECSC Written permission for a mental health care professional or health care provider to have one on one interaction – 2020
ECSC Written permission for an unrelated adult athlete to share the same lodging with a minor athlete – 2020
ECSC Written permission for an unrelated applicable adult to provide local transportation to minor athlete – 2020
ECSC Written permission for an unrelated applicable adult to travel to competition with minor athlete – 2020
USA Swimming
Minor Athlete Protection Policy (MAAPP)
USA Swimming’s top priority continues to be keeping our athletes safe. On April 29, 2019, USA Swimming released its Minor Athlete Abuse Protection Policy (MAAPP) addressing one-on-one interactions, social media and electronic communications, travel: local and team, locker rooms and changing areas and massages, rubdowns and athletic training modalities. All USA Swimming member clubs are required to implement MAAPP in full by June 23, 2019.
Please read the MAAPP policy below and go to the USA Swimming Athlete Protection page for additional educational resource, to assist you in implementing MAAPP.
USA Swimming is required to provide regular and consistent training for all adults who interact with and have direct contact with minor athletes, including adult athletes. Starting June 23, 2019, as a condition of membership, all athlete members ages 18 and over must complete Athlete Protection Training.
ECSC and USA swimming Safe Sport MAAPP policy
If you are 18, click here for details about how to complete the Athlete Protection Training.